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کتاب «Practical Statistics for Data Scientists» یک منبع جامع و کاربردی برای معرفی مفاهیم و تکنیک‌های آماری ضروری در حوزه‌های تحلیل داده‌ها، یادگیری ماشین و هوش مصنوعی است. در این کتاب، مفاهیم آماری به شیوه‌ای قابل فهم و با استفاده از سناریوهای واقعی علم داده و کدهای نمونه به زبان‌های R و پایتون ارائه شده است.


کتاب آمار عملی برای دانشمندان داده


جزئیات فصل‌های هفت‌گانه‌ی کتاب به صورت زیر است.


1. Exploratory Data Analysis

    - Elements of Structured Data

    - Rectangular Data

        + Data Frames and Indexes

        + Nonrectangular Data Structures

    - Estimates of Location

        + Mean

        + Median and Robust Estimates

        + Example: Location Estimates of Population and Murder Rates

    - Estimates of Variability

        + Standard Deviation and Related Estimates

        + Estimates Based on Percentiles

        + Example: Variability Estimates of State Population

    - Exploring the Data Distribution

        + Percentiles and Boxplots

        + Frequency Tables and Histograms

        + Density Plots and Estimates

    - Exploring Binary and Categorical Data

        + Mode

        + Expected Value

        + Probability

    - Correlation

        + Scatterplots

    - Exploring Two or More Variables

        + Hexagonal Binning and Contours (Plotting Numeric Versus Numeric Data)

        + Two Categorical Variables

        + Categorical and Numeric Data

        + Visualizing Multiple Variables

2. Data and Sampling Distributions

    - Random Sampling and Sample Bias

        + Bias

        + Random Selection

        + Size Versus Quality: When Does Size Matter?

        + Sample Mean Versus Population Mean

    - Selection Bias

        + Regression to the Mean

    - Sampling Distribution of a Statistic

        + Central Limit Theorem

        + Standard Error

    - The Bootstrap

        + Resampling Versus Bootstrapping

    - Confidence Intervals

    - Normal Distribution

        + Standard Normal and QQ-Plots

    - Long-Tailed Distributions

    - Student’s t-Distribution

    - Binomial Distribution

    - Chi-Square Distribution

    - F-Distribution

    - Poisson and Related Distributions

        + Poisson Distributions

        + Exponential Distribution

        + Estimating the Failure Rate

        + Weibull Distribution

3. Statistical Experiments and Significance Testing

    - A/B Testing

        + Why Have a Control Group?

        + Why Just A/B? Why Not C, D,...?

    - Hypothesis Tests

        + The Null Hypothesis

        + Alternative Hypothesis

        + One-Way Versus Two-Way Hypothesis Tests

    - Resampling

        + Permutation Test

        + Example: Web Stickiness

        + Exhaustive and Bootstrap Permutation Tests

        + Permutation Tests: The Bottom Line for Data Science

    - Statistical Significance and p-Values

        + p-Value

        + Alpha

        + Type 1 and Type 2 Errors

        + Data Science and p-Values

    - t-Tests

    - Multiple Testing

    - Degrees of Freedom

    - ANOVA

        + F-Statistic

        + Two-Way ANOVA

    - Chi-Square Test

        + Chi-Square Test: A Resampling Approach

        + Chi-Square Test: Statistical Theory

        + Fisher’s Exact Test

        + Relevance for Data Science

    - Multi-Arm Bandit Algorithm

    - Power and Sample Size

        + Sample Size

4. Regression and Prediction

    - Simple Linear Regression

        + The Regression Equation

        + Fitted Values and Residuals

        + Least Squares

        + Prediction Versus Explanation (Profiling)

    - Multiple Linear Regression

        + Example: King County Housing Data

        + Assessing the Model

        + Cross-Validation

        + Model Selection and Stepwise Regression

        + Weighted Regression

    - Prediction Using Regression

        + The Dangers of Extrapolation

        + Confidence and Prediction Intervals

    - Factor Variables in Regression

        + Dummy Variables Representation

        + Factor Variables with Many Levels

        + Ordered Factor Variables

    - Interpreting the Regression Equation

        + Correlated Predictors

        + Multicollinearity

        + Confounding Variables

        + Interactions and Main Effects

    - Regression Diagnostics

        + Outliers

        + Influential Values

        + Heteroskedasticity, Non-Normality, and Correlated Errors

        + Partial Residual Plots and Nonlinearity

    - Polynomial and Spline Regression

        + Polynomial

        + Splines

        + Generalized Additive Models

5. Classification

    - Naive Bayes

        + Why Exact Bayesian Classification Is Impractical

        + The Naive Solution

        + Numeric Predictor Variables

    - Discriminant Analysis

        + Covariance Matrix

        + Fisher’s Linear Discriminant

        + A Simple Example

    - Logistic Regression

        + Logistic Response Function and Logit

        + Logistic Regression and the GLM

        + Generalized Linear Models

        + Predicted Values from Logistic Regression

        + Interpreting the Coefficients and Odds Ratios

        + Linear and Logistic Regression: Similarities and Differences

        + Assessing the Model

    - Evaluating Classification Models

        + Confusion Matrix

        + The Rare Class Problem

        + Precision, Recall, and Specificity

        + ROC Curve

        + AUC

        + Lift

    - Strategies for Imbalanced Data

        + Undersampling

        + Oversampling and Up/Down Weighting

        + Data Generation

        + Cost-Based Classification

        + Exploring the Predictions

6. Statistical Machine Learning

    - K-Nearest Neighbors

        + A Small Example: Predicting Loan Default

        + Distance Metrics

        + One Hot Encoder

        + Standardization (Normalization, z-Scores)

        + Choosing K

        + KNN as a Feature Engine

    - Tree Models

        + A Simple Example

        + The Recursive Partitioning Algorithm

        + Measuring Homogeneity or Impurity

        + Stopping the Tree from Growing

        + Predicting a Continuous Value

        + How Trees Are Used

    - Bagging and the Random Forest

        + Bagging

        + Random Forest

        + Variable Importance

        + Hyperparameters

    - Boosting

        + The Boosting Algorithm

        + XGBoost

        + Regularization: Avoiding Overfitting

        + Hyperparameters and Cross-Validation

7. Unsupervised Learning

    - Principal Components Analysis

        + A Simple Example

        + Computing the Principal Components

        + Interpreting Principal Components

        + Correspondence Analysis

    - K-Means Clustering

        + A Simple Example

        + K-Means Algorithm

        + Interpreting the Clusters

        + Selecting the Number of Clusters

    - Hierarchical Clustering

        + A Simple Example

        + The Dendrogram

        + The Agglomerative Algorithm

        + Measures of Dissimilarity

    - Model-Based Clustering

        + Multivariate Normal Distribution

        + Mixtures of Normals

        + Selecting the Number of Clusters

    - Scaling and Categorical Variables

        + Scaling the Variables

        + Dominant Variables

        + Categorical Data and Gower’s Distance

        + Problems with Clustering Mixed Data


همانگونه که از این عناوین مشخص است، تمرکز کتاب روی بحث‌های آماری حوزه‌ی تحلیل داده و یادگیری ماشین بوده و یک منبع ارزشمند برای افرادی است که به دنبال یادگیری و استفاده از آمار در علم داده و هوش مصنوعی هستند.

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